【同义词辨析】 2018-06-04 恶意malice-grudge

malice: implies deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer: felt no ~ for his former enemies; or it may suggest a causeless passing mischievous impulse: a rascal full of ~. (feel ... for固定搭配,感到) (注意mischievous拼写) (rascal坏蛋,用于小孩表示淘气鬼

malevolence: suggest a bitter, persistent hatred and may suggest inherent evil that is likely to be expressed in malicious conduct: deep ~ governed his every act.

ill will: implies a feeling of antipathy that is of limited duration and usually lacks any element of mental turmoil: a directive that provoked ~ among the employees.

spite: implies a petty feeling of envy and resentment that is often expressed in small harassment or meanness: petty insults Inspred only by ~. (inspire这时贬义)

malignity: implies deep passion and relentless driving force: never viewed her daughter-in-law with anything but ~.

malignancy: suggests aggressive maliciousness that comes from a basically evil or injurious nature: proceeded to treat the employees with insupportable ~.

spleen: suggests the wrathful release of latent spite or persistent malice: quick to vent his ~ upon incompetent subordinates.

grudge: implies a harbored or cherished feeling of resentment or ill will that seeks satisfaction: never one to harbor a ~.

malice恶意: 发自内心又无法解释地希望别人痛苦;或只是短暂无缘无故的调皮冲动(causeless passing mischievous impulse),malevolence恶意: 长期痛恨(persistent bitter hatred),暗示内在的恶(inherent evil),ill will恶意: 仅表示厌恶反感(antipathy)时间短不强烈,spite小恶意: 小的(petty)嫉妒愤恨小的骚扰刻薄,malignity仇恨: 有着深深的激情(deep passion)不竭的动力(relentless driving force)的恶意,malignancy恶毒: 攻击性的恶意(aggressive), 来自恶的有害的本性(evil,injurious nature),spleen怒气: 潜藏的不满和敌意(感觉这里malice译成敌意好些)释放出来,grudge记恨积怨: 长期潜藏心底愤恨和恶意

记忆方法:1)首字母记忆MMISMMSG,重组为MSG IS MMM,想成说的是”莫莫莫”<==不要有恶意    google motto: don’t be evil谷歌座右铭: 不要做恶

         2) 恶意的意思是希望他人遭受疼痛伤害苦难mean the desire or wish to see another experience pain, injury or distress.